Cafe Pets

Cafe Pets is my Cafe Press shop, specializing in cat, dog, horse and other animal t-shirts and gifts. My shop contains hundreds of pet designs on dozens of products to wear or decorate your home, office or car. Great gear and gifts for men, women, teens, kids and even babies can be found at Cafe Pets.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My Bear Behind

I reread my introductory post and realized that it's just too serious! I'm really a very silly person -- in person -- but apparently it's going to be a challenge to get that across in writing. This is a blog for heaven sake, not a college essay assignment!

My web sites are humor sites. Yuckles is primarily about animal and pet humor, Funny Tummy is food and cooking humor and Big Dance List is very visual and auditory and has a musical theme.

So here's a funny story about a common occurrence at the nature center. It's very common for a visitor to point to something in the animal room and ask me, "Is that real?" I'm always tempted to reply, "Well it's not a figment of your imagination, so yes I suppose it is real!" Instead I answer, "Yes, it's a real live thing," or "Yes, it's a real dead thing," or even, "Yes, it's a real plastic model of an animal." It doesn't surprise me too much when kids ask this question but it's very odd to hear it from an adult. You'd think a grownup would know the difference, wouldn't you?

Time for an animal joke.

Two hikers were on their way back to camp when they stumbled on a brown bear mother and her cub who were grazing by the side of the trail. The mother bear spotted the hikers, too. The hikers froze for a moment but when the mother bear charged they both began to run in the opposite direction down the path.

The hiker bringing up the rear suddenly yelled at his friend, "This is crazy! You know we can't outrun a bear!" His friend replied, "Hell, I don't have to outrun any bear, I only have to outrun YOU!"

Speaking of bears, this is my favorite bear design that I made. It's called, "Wanna See My Bear Behind?"

This is the front design:

My Bear Behind T-Shirt

This is the back design:

My Bear Behind T-Shirt

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Half Geek, Half Nerd

Ever since I was a little kid I've been fascinated by two things: animals and "how-things-work." When I was a child you could usually find me either outdoors tracking or watching animals or indoors taking some mechanical device apart. This might explain why even though my college degree is in biology I've spent most of my career working with computers in such varied jobs as systems administrator, office automation analyst and process-workflow administrator.

It was loads of fun for me to build Yuckles, my first web site, in 1999. After that I couldn't stop making web sites and eventually I quit my "real" job and became a full-time, work-at-home, self-employed webmaster.

I started fiddling around with CafePress in 2003 but it wasn't until 2006 that I became serious about making my own t-shirt and gift shop. I named it Cafe Pets and it mostly contains animal designs although there are also some food themed designs and a few odds and bods.

In the coming weeks I hope to share more about my experiences working with animals and being a webmaster. Even though I work at home running my web sites and CafePress shop I still find time each week to volunteer at a local science museum where I help take care of the animals and do education programs for the public.

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